Knowing the Certainty, Ilimul Yaqeen, ( Hard cover binding) , A4 Size, 579 Pages

Gold and Diamonds are the most expensive gifts given in the name of love while wisdom is Gold and Diamond for the heart and soul gifted in the name of Allah (God the Most High the Supreme)in this book Gold and Diamond that is revealed in the holy Quran as letter verses and parable verses is extracted ever since the Holy Quran was revealed 1435 years ago, Allah ( God the Most high the Supreme) is the only one who knows the meanings of these parable and letter verses of the holy Quran,He is the Most Gracious the Most Merciful, with that mercy he is sending his blessed Angel of holy revelation of the holy Quran our beloved Master blessed Angels Jibrael aleih salaam (peace be upon him)again to me with revelation of the meaning of those parable and letter verses and verses of the holy Quran as he sent him in Makkah and Madinah to our Master the Holy Prophet Muhammad Rasulu-salla llahu aleih wasallama( peace and blessings of Allah be Upon Him) sent to all people of the world as mercy to the entire creation.

